First Marathon: The In’s, The Out’s, & The Point Of It All…

I just had coffee with a friend who will be running her first marathon next weekend.  As we talked about the in’s and out’s of preparing for this momentous occasion, I had flashbacks of what it felt like preparing for my own first marathon.  I remember that whirlwind of mixed emotions like it was yesterday.  The conglomeration of exhileration, self-doubt, fear, and pride.  The agonizing over my outfit, the poring over weather forecasts, the back and forth over fuel options and travel accomodations.

Looking back, I’m glad I planned out each detail…because I ended up racing in a 40 degree, 4 hour rain storm.  And, despite the monsoon and an injury that rivaled child-birthing, I look back fondly on that day.  When I crossed that finish line, I beat the self-destructing part of me, the part that places limits and saps energy and loves to tear the rest of me down.  I crossed that finish line, come hell or high water (Turned out to be both, in my case).  When that happened, I proved to myself that I was stronger than I had ever considered before.

Awhile back, I wrote about the things I would have done differently on that day, and the things I believe I got right.  I thought it would be worth bringing back, for my friend, and for others approaching their first marathon: First Marathon: My Do’s and Dont’s

Happy Marathoning!  You WILL cross that finish line, hopefully with no hell or high water in sight. 🙂

(3) Comments

  1. Congratulations! That’s a great accomplishment. 🙂

    1. Thanks! I love looking back on that day.

  2. Thanks so much Jen!! You are absolutely awesome & you totally got me in a much better frame of mind after talking this morning & reading this!!! I will cross one way or another 🙂 Reallyyyyy hoping you decide to do the half!!!

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