You have a cold. Should you skip your workout?



Here we go again–Every year, the kids return to school and I get a cold.  Even with my runny red nose, body aches, coughing and sore throat, I find myself feeling guilty if I slack on my workouts.  But should we reach for our running shoes while we’re in a state of upper-respiratory misery?  It can be a tough call.  Here’s a good guideline, recommended by most immunologists:  If your cold symptoms are above the neck, a light workout is fine (ACSM).

Specifically, if you have muscle/joint aches and pains and headache, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, extreme tiredness, or a worsening cough with your cold, don’t exercise until you feel better (ACSM).  If you’re in doubt as to the type of illness you have, consult your doctor.

If you miss some workouts when you have a cold, don’t beat yourself up.  You won’t make any great fitness gains by forcing your body to perform when you feel extremely crummy.  Take it day by day, and listen to how you’re feeling.