Get a killer core with these 9 moves.

abs workout

*My post was originally published on

Pining for a six pack?

Trying to get rid of those stubborn love handles or saddlebags?

If you love to work your core, that’s great!  It’s the foundation from where all your power originates.  Keep in mind that the core includes not only the abdominal muscles, but those of the back, glutes, spine, and hips (pelvic floor).

People who want that flat tummy often gravitate toward crunches, because that’s the most well-known core move.  Unfortunately, a million crunches won’t properly condition the core.  Research has shown that crunches are one of the worst ab moves in terms of how hard the obliques and rectus abdominus are worked.  The crunch only works a small part of the core, repeatedly bends the spine, and burns few calories.

Instead, try these moves for a complete core workout.  Some of them use weights, a resistance band or a stability ball.  Work your way up to 3 sets of 10-15 reps.  I’ve included modifications for most of them.

Work your core at least 2X/week, and you’ll be well on your way to a tight abdominal area.  And don’t forget to supplement these moves with regular cardio exercise each week to get the results you want.

1. Pendulum With Stability Ball

Sit on a mat and place a stability ball between your legs (at your calves/ankles).  Squeezing the ball in place, lie back onto the floor, and extend legs straight up into the air.  Keep knees slightly bent and arms out to the sides for support.

Keeping upper body and glutes stationary, lower your legs down to the right, as close to the ground as possible.  Return to start and repeat to the left side to complete one rep.

Make sure your back stays firmly planted and that your legs swing in line with your hips (not above or below them).

Modified: Don’t go down as far on each side

2. Superman

Lie face down on your stomach with arms and legs extended. Keep your neck in a neutral position.  Keeping your arms and legs straight (but not locked) and torso stationary, simultaneously lift your arms and legs up toward the ceiling to form an elongated “u” shape with your body —Your back is arched and your arms and legs are several inches off the floor.

Hold for two to five seconds and lower back down to complete one rep.

Modified: Alternate lifting one arm and opposite leg at a time.

3. Dolphin

Start in an inverted V: forearms on floor, elbows wide, hands clasped, butt lifted, legs straight.  Lower your hips to the floor until you reach a lower elbow plank position. Return to start to complete one rep.

Modified: Stay in on your forearms, in plank position, for 20-30 seconds.

4. Side Plank Hip Lift

Lie on right side, left foot on top of right, hips stacked, right elbow under shoulder, and left hand on hip.  Press into right forearm and raise right hip and thigh off ground.  Lower hip to complete one rep. Do all reps, then switch sides.

Modified: Place foot of top leg on floor in front of bottom leg.


5. Supine Hip Abduction with resistance band

Lie on your back, feet extended in the air, hip-width apart.  Bring the band under your feet and hold it by the handles or rubber tubing, together at your chest.  Move your legs apart and outward as far as you can, away from each other, then return to hip-width.  Perform 15-18 reps with this move.


burn fat with stability ball

6. Jackknife on Stability Ball

Start behind the ball, place your midsection on the ball and roll forward until your hands reach the floor. Walk out with your hands until the ball is underneath your ankles. Have your hands just outside of shoulder width. Hold the push-up position and retain a strong core.  Bend at the knees and pull the ball up towards your torso, bringing your knees to your chest. Keep the movement smooth and don’t drop your hips or raise your lower back.
Extend your legs back to the starting position. Keep your spine in a neutral position.

Modified: Stay in plank position on the ball, holding 20-30 seconds.


abs workout

7. Figure Eights (You’ll need one light weight.)

From a sitting position, lean back slightly so that your abdominals are engaged. Lift your feet so that your lower legs are parallel to the floor. Hold the weight in one hand.  Reaching through the legs, bring the weight underneath the opposite leg. Grab it with the other hand and bring it over that leg and underneath the other to mimic a figure eight pattern. This is one repetition.

8. Reverse Plank Leg Lift

Start in a seated position with your legs together and extended in front. Place your hands under your shoulders with your fingertips pointing in front of you. Lift your hips off the ground until your body is straight.  Extend your right leg off the ground and hold for a breath. Lower your leg and repeat the leg lift on the other side.


Modified:  Stay in reverse plank position, keeping your legs down.


butt exercise

9. Hip Lifts with Stability Ball

Lie on your back with your heels and lower leg on the ball. Raise one leg. Raise your hips off the floor, making a straight line from your shoulders to your foot.  Lower your body back to the floor and repeat, keeping your hands by your sides.  Do all reps, then switch sides.

Modified: Keep both feet on the ball.