At-Home Resistance Band Workout

resistance band workout

Running out of at-home workout options? Getting bored with your same-old workout routines? The key is variety. Don’t forget about the resistance band!

If you have one, pull it out, dust if off, and work your muscles in a whole new way with these moves. The resistance band is an awesome tool if you have little space to work out.  It also works your muscles differently than weights, providing resistance during the eccentric part of each exercise, rather than just the concentric portion.

If you don’t have one, you can order one on Amazon inexpensively.

Do 2-3 sets of each move, preferably in a circuit format.  Meaning, go through one set of each of these moves, resting for no more than :20 in between. Go through the circuit 2-4 times, resting for 1-2 minutes in between. This will keep the cardio component up, helping you burn more calories as you strengthen.

If you like this, I have another resistance band workout here.

Stay strong!

This is performed in one fluid movement.

1. Squat to Overhead Press

Grab an exercise band with an overhand grip and stand on it with feet hip-width apart. Lower your hips until your thighs are as close to parallel to the floor as possible. Position hands at shoulder height. Push up to standing while extending your arms straight overhead. 12-18 reps.

Do this move with one end of the band under your foot–on the tubing–on the same side as your hand.

2. Arm Sweep (picture is slightly different)

Stand with one end of the band under one foot with the handle facing the outside.  Hold the other end in your hand (same side), arm extended to the side but not locked.  Keeping your arm extended and parallel to the floor, slowly sweep your arm to the front.  Hold for a second, then sweep back out to the side.  Adjust the tension/difficulty by where your foot is standing on the band.  12-18 reps, then repeat with the other arm.

The arm movements are not pictured. See below for description.

3. Anterior Raise with Reverse Lunge

Standing, bring one foot slightly forward with your band under it.  Raise your extended arms in front of you, parallel to the floor, holding the band’s handles. Lower. To add a backward lunge, bring your other leg back behind you simultaneously as you raise your arms forward. Return to standing and lower your arms. 12-18 reps, then switch legs.

4. Tricep Extension

Grab one end of the resistance band with and step on the other end of the band with your same-side foot.  Pull the band up over your shoulder so that your elbow is pointed forward.  Extend your arm upward until it is in a straight line and then bring back down to your shoulder.  12-18 reps, then repeat on the other side.

5. Donkey Kick

Hold onto each end of your resistance band, and place the center of the band around the sole of the right foot. Then place your elbows and knees on the ground so your back is straight.  Hold the band firmly, draw your belly in, and extend your right leg straight out behind you. Then draw your knee forward, but don’t let it touch the ground.  15-20 reps; repeat with the left leg.

6. Standing Row

Pictured is a one-arm row, but you can perform a two-arm row using both handles.  Stand in the position pictured, abs tight, shoulders back, back straight.   Bring your elbows up, keeping them tight at your sides, then lower.  12-18 reps.

7. Supine Hip Abduction

Lie on your back, feet extended in the air, hip-width apart.  Bring the band under your feet and hold it by the handles or rubber tubing, together at your chest.  Move your outward as far as you can, away from each other, then return to hip-width.  15-18 reps.

8. Russian Twist

Sit on floor with legs extended and together, center of band wrapped around soles of feet, holding one end of band in each hand. Bend knees slightly, keeping heels on floor, and clasp hands to bring both ends of band together.  With abs engaged and back flat, lean back 45 degrees and extend arms in front of you at eye level.  Slowly bring your arms to one side, following them with your eyes.  Return to center, then repeat on the other side.  That’s one rep.  12-18 reps.

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