Make fall your new New Year’s

fall new goals

Most people think of New Year’s Day as their big “reset” day. We buy our planners, renew our fitness pledges, start detoxes, revamp our habits. Why wait till then? Why not start now, this fall?

If you think about it, resetting your life in the fall makes perfect sense. After all we’ve been through as of late, who doesn’t need to refresh and renew in our schedules and in our lives? Wouldn’t it be great to reset our perspectives NOW?

Resolving to move more and eat more healthfully has great potential to improve our overall well-being and mood. Yes, exercise comes with a bit more challenge these days due to gym and class closures. The key? Spend less time focusing so much on all of the changes, and more time doing a little creative thinking to help you reimagine new ways to stay active. 

So go for it!

Re-evaluate what you want to accomplish these last few months of 2020 for your mind, body and soul, create a new set of habits and goals, and find the tools you need to get you there. Then DO it!

Check out these resources to get you started:


Reach your 2020 goals with this simple plan.

5 strategies for reaching your weight loss goals

Stressed? Little things to improve your mental health.

5 exercise motivation tricks.


Home workouts are huge right now–For some, it’s your only choice. If you want to have long-term success, change it up frequently to keep your muscles guessing, and make sure you pick types of exercise that you enjoy doing so you’ll increase the chances of not bailing out. Long workouts aren’t necessary–Just make sure to challenge yourself.

Try this 6-minute full-body home workout video:

Or this 10-minute core workout:


If you like circuit training that provides full-body, maximum efficiency, check out some of my workout routines:

Your simple 20-minute quarantine workout

20-Minute workout

6 move, 20 minute fat-burning workout

No running, no jumping, high-intensity workout

Total body resistance band workout, part 1

Other wellness goals: Choose happy.

Yes, the sun is setting earlier and the weather is colder, but the temperatures are also more comfortable, and—Let’s face it—Fall is gorgeous.  Resist the urge to hole up in your house in front of your screens.  You’ll gain exercise, fresh air, and a new perspective just by stepping outside.  Grab your bestie, your kids or your spouse and rake leaves, go for a walk or jog, take pictures of each other jumping in the fall leaves, find your way out of a corn maze, visit a farmer’s market, or pick pumpkins and apples.  See what outdoor events and activities your town is offering and enjoy all fall has to offer.

Think outside yourself.

If you resolve to improve your mood, do nice things for others.  Seriously, it works!  Why is this true?  Volunteering increases social interaction (even when you’re socially-distanced), which increases happiness.  Making someone else feel happy increases our happiness.  Plus, it helps us to get of our own heads!  It interrupts stressful thoughts about our own lives.  So get involved in something larger than yourself.  It will help you put your own problems into perspective.

If you feel a bit out of sorts these days, it’s okay.  We all are!  Doing things we love keeps us active, focused, confident, and gives us a sense of camaraderie and involvement.  Make sure to include activities that bring you joy when you’re writing out your wellness goals, schedule them into your regular routine, and make a commitment to both mentally and physically show up for them.

Happy fall!