Showing 37 Result(s)

Trainer’s Tip #7: Try the Assisted Pull-Up

  Trainer’s Tip of the Day #7:  Try the Assisted Pull-Up If you like machines, but are pressed for time, don’t think you have to fit in every single one to get a full-body workout.  Focus on the machines that target large muscle groups of the upper and lower body.  These machines work the most muscles at once, giving you the most bang for your buck.  The assisted pull-up is of my favorite gym machines because it does just that. This machine allows people who can’t lift their body weight (ie, most people) to recieve the benefits of the pull-up, which actively engages roughly 20 …

Trainer’s Tip #5: Stand Up!

  Trainer’s Tip #5: Stand up! (as opposed to sitting) This one may seem a little obvious, but hear me out.  Sitting for long periods over the course of a day is hazardous to your health, even if you exercise regularly.  According to research, too much sitting likely increases your risk for metabolic syndrome and your risk of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer. If you have a desk job, take frequent walk breaks.  Sit on a stability ball or push for a standing desk.  When you’re on the phone or eating lunch, stand up.  Pick the farthest parking spot on purpose.  Walk …