Showing 37 Result(s)
exercise motivation

5 exercise motivation tricks

Some days the last thing I want to do is throw on my sports bra and drive to the gym.  Or jump off my comfy couch and do burpees, for that matter. We’ve all had that inner battle about working out, right?  Between being lazy or sticking to our schedule?  Well, instead of talking yourself out of your next workout, how about doing the opposite?  Next time you want to bail, trick yourself. Try these 5 exercise motivation tricks. 1.  “I am going to feel AMAZING afterward, and for the rest of the day.”  Don’t focus how you feel now…Think about how you’ll feel AFTER …

strength training for women

2 reasons to start strength training now.

So, you run?  Or maybe you walk, swim, bike, use the elliptical machine, or go to fitness classes every chance you get?  That’s awesome!  You make exercise a priority in your life.  Cardiovascular activity is a great foundation for helping you stay healthy and attaining/maintaining your optimal weight.  And, when it’s an activity you enjoy, it can truly feed your soul! But if you think it’s enough, think again.  I’m not talking just in terms of your overall health, but also in terms of weight loss.  Yep, strength training, paired with cardio, will get you where you really want to be.  If you want …