Showing 120 Result(s)
home holiday workout

Short on time? This 20 minute workout is perfect during the holidays.

Time is tight during the holiday season, but you CAN still get enough exercise time in to make it count.  The key to working out through the holidays is to maintain your fitness level without expecting to make huge fitness gains, and to make good use of the time you have.  Even ten to twenty minutes makes a difference, as long as you make all of the those minutes count.  Too wet and icy for a run?  All you need to do is dust off that treadmill/stationary bike/elliptical, and get moving.  I know, I know…You’re utterly bored with your treadmill/stationary …

healthy panzanella salad

Eat bread salad, guilt-free.

Who said you can’t have bread? And in your salad, for that matter? Break the rules and eat bread salad, guilt-free. Never heard of bread (panzanella) salad? Then you’re in for a treat. This salad screams summer. Ripe, in-season tomatoes and crusty bread star in this classic, fresh, filling, rustic Italian dish. As super-healthy as this salad is, if you’re a keto-lover, it’s not for you. You gotta have the bread with this! The traditional dish is made with crusty Italian bread, but I use either a high-fiber multigrain variety, or a sourdough whole-grain bread loaf (Sourdough has less impact …