Showing 25 Result(s)

Make this immunity-boosting shamrock shake at home

Try this fresh, festive, immunity-boosting smoothie for breakfast or a snack. The illness-fighting nutrients come from the Kefir and greens, and antioxidant-rich dark chocolate is added because…well…a little chocolate can brighten anyone’s day. You can add the food dye if you put a lot of chocolate in, like I did, and need a little more green. Here’s to a Happy and HEALTHY St. Patty’s Day! Combine these ingredients in a blender: -1 cup Kefir (A yogurt-tasting natural fermented milk product with 5X the probiotics as yogurt.) -1/2 cup plain or vanilla Greek yogurt (for added creaminess) -2 peeled and frozen ripe …

Mother's Day 2020

Mother’s Day 2020, the Best One Ever.

Today is May 8th, 2020. Unless you live in a state that’s lifted social distancing mandates, you’ll most likely be spending a large part of your Mother’s Day at home like me on Sunday. No brunches, no spa day, no shopping. What are we moms to do? I found the following brief post I wrote some years back before my blog became exclusively wellness-based, at a period of time when my kids still liked to come out of their rooms every so often and still asked me to play with them. How quickly those years passed through my life. Our …