Showing 25 Result(s)

Brotherly Love

My 7 year old son, Nicolas, is oh-so cool. (Or nowadays, I believe the term is “sweet.”) He’s too cool to wear the clothes I pick out for him, too cool to call me mommy (it’s now simply “mom”), too cool to watch “baby” shows on TV and too cool to play with or be nice to his little sister. Now that he’s graduated from first grade and is home everyday for the summer, I get to experience his coolness all day long, every day.

Petco, Please.

So I took my daughter to the zoo today, kind of like a last hurrah before she starts Universal Pre-K in the fall.  This is officially the last week we’ll be home together, just she and I.  *sniff sniff*  I thought we were having a good time at the zoo.  She seemed appropriately captivated by the tigers, amused by the sea lions and enthralled with the monkeys.But once she caught a glimpse of the playground located smack-dab in the middle of the place, she could’ve cared if a herd of elephants were running past her.  The playground was by far the coolest thing about …