Showing 9 Result(s)

The truth really will set you free

An ancient story goes… A king instructs a group of blind men to describe an elephant. Each man feels one part of the elephant’s body–the tusk, the leg, the trunk, the tail. Each gives a detailed–and very different–report about the elephant. Then they come to blows about who is right. Each man is describing his honest, real experience about the elephant, yet each misses the big picture, the whole truth. How do you view the world? How do you view yourself? Other people? It feels good to stand in our worldviews, doesn’t it? It gives us kind of a power …

How to live from your heart

Live From Your Heart Like You Mean It

By Jennifer Muscato *First published in Light of Consciousness Journal Living from the heart. A dreamy, starry-eyed whim. It’s easy to say, “I want to live from my heart.” Most people want to follow their hearts–Its wants, passions, hopes. And many think they are. But consider this. Totally unfiltered, without your career, your family, your to-do list, your circle of friends, your role in your community, what would you look like? Do you even let yourself go there? Ask yourself, if I didn’t exist within the confines of this material world, who would I be every day? Where would I be if …