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Mother's Day 2020

Mother’s Day 2020, the Best One Ever.

Today is May 8th, 2020. Unless you live in a state that’s lifted social distancing mandates, you’ll most likely be spending a large part of your Mother’s Day at home like me on Sunday. No brunches, no spa day, no shopping. What are we moms to do? I found the following brief post I wrote some years back before my blog became exclusively wellness-based, at a period of time when my kids still liked to come out of their rooms every so often and still asked me to play with them. How quickly those years passed through my life. Our …

Want to get healthy? Give thanks all year. Here’s how.

Gratitude… The concept seems simple, but then real life happens. When you’re overspent, overwhelmed, rushed or pulled in five different directions, being thankful in the moment isn’t always on the top of your to-do list. But if you’re chronically stressed, depressed, or anxious, cultivating gratitude is one of the easiest things you can do to improve your state of mind.  It’s amazing how much giving a little thanks on a regular basis can help. We’ve all heard that those who count their blessings are happier, but how true is this, really? Evidence shows that a consistent practice of thankfulness produces …