Change your mindset, change your life

pink flower field

You say you feel powerless, at the whim of circumstances around you? Well sure, there’s a lot we can’t change, but there’s a lot we can. Remember the serenity prayer? “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” Knowing how to discern between what you can and cannot change, and then applying a healthy mindset to each, will help bring growth in the areas of your life where you’ve found yourself constantly going ’round and ’round, repeating the same maddening patterns that you …

Help Save the World. Go Plogging.


Grab some friends and try this new fitness trend. What is plogging, you ask? If you love to run, jog, hike or walk for exercise, listen up–try plogging. It’s a fitness craze that started in Sweden and is spreading across Europe and through North America, and it’s spread globally as a way to combine exercise and community service. It’s a combination of two words: jogging and the Swedish phrase for pick up, ‘plocka upp’. Created by Erik Ahlström in 2016, plogging is an eco-friendly exercise through which people pick up trash while jogging or brisk walking outside. You can also …