Meditation changed my life

meditation changed my life

Seems a bit dramatic, doesn’t it? I probably would have thought so too, a year ago. Sure, I was all for meditation. As a wellness professional, I preached its stress-relief benefits for years. I believed that meditation improved well-being. That’s just it though–I believed it in theory, but I didn’t really know it. Not first-hand. My emphasis leaned heavily on the body’s physical health. I never missed a workout. Meditation, well…I dabbled. A workout accomplishes something. What does just sitting there noticing the thoughts in my head do, especially when I have a sink full of dishes to wash? Sure, …

Make this immunity-boosting shamrock shake at home

Try this fresh, festive, immunity-boosting smoothie for breakfast or a snack. The illness-fighting nutrients come from the Kefir and greens, and antioxidant-rich dark chocolate is added because…well…a little chocolate can brighten anyone’s day. You can add the food dye if you put a lot of chocolate in, like I did, and need a little more green. Here’s to a Happy and HEALTHY St. Patty’s Day! Combine these ingredients in a blender: -1 cup Kefir (A yogurt-tasting natural fermented milk product with 5X the probiotics as yogurt.) -1/2 cup plain or vanilla Greek yogurt (for added creaminess) -2 peeled and frozen ripe …