When you think of core moves, your mind might go straight to abdominal exercises. The core muscles aren’t just ab muscles, but those of the back and hip flexors as well. The core stabilizes the spine and pelvis. A strong core is essential for improved fitness and athletic performance, and can prevent postural muscle imbalances and back injuries. So while abs moves are an essential part of working your core, they aren’t the full story! A million crunches won’t properly condition the core. Moves that work multiple muscle groups across multiple joints are the best, most efficient core exercises. Here’s a list of some below. Some …
First marathon do’s and don’ts checklist
The day of my first marathon, it was 40 degrees and pouring rain. I injured my iliotibial band (connective tissue that runs from the hip to the lower leg), forcing me to walk the last two miles under excruciating pain that rivaled childbirth. But I wouldn’t trade that day in for the world, because when I hobbled across the finish line, although I added at least an extra 30 minutes to my time, I had achieved the goal I had worked toward for four months–to finish, under 5 hours. And that was an awesome feeling. Although I love racing, I will not be running another 26.2 miles again, ever. Partly because …
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