Does a gluten-free diet help you lose weight? Separating fact from fad.

gluten free for weight loss

Does a diet without gluten, a protein found in most grains, really help your waistline?   Celebrities endorse it for weight loss.  Testimonials claim increased energy, improved digestions and clearer skin.  People believe that gluten-free products are healthier, according to surveys.  Almost a third of Americans are reducing or eliminating their gluten intake.  Sales of gluten-free products have topped $12 billion, according to market research.  But what do the facts tell us about a gluten-free diet for in terms of weight loss? There is currently no research to support the claim that a gluten-free diet is good for weight loss.  Unless …

Trainer’s Tip # 17: Doing crunches to achieve tight abs? Stop! Do this instead!

no crunch workout

Want rock-hard abs?  Stop doing crunches!  They are one of the most inefficient abs moves, only working the upper abdominal area and burning few calories.  Get more bang for your buck with these 5 moves.  (You’ll find my full workout there.)  Do this workout at least twice a week on non-consecutive days.  And don’t forget to supplement your abs workouts with cardio! I hereby commit to posting extremely brief tidbits of useful wisdom, termed “Trainers Tips,” on a regular basis.  You may ponder, ignore, or do as you wish with them as you go about your day. Info about what?  Well…fitness.  Exercise tips, motivational …