Burn Mega Fat With A Stability Ball

yoga ball

Stability ball…Swiss ball…Yoga ball…That big round blue ball…

You can find it in every fitness center, and you can buy one for around $15-$20.  It’s become a fitness staple because of its versatility and low cost (Work your core by sitting on it while you watch TV!).  Your kids will love it too (Just don’t let them pop it!).

Do you have one, but aren’t sure what to do with it?  Check out some of my favorite stability-ball moves.  Do these as a circuit, 2-3 times.  Do 10-18 reps per exercise.  Click on each photo for a demonstration. (more…)

Trainer’s Tip #12: Use Apps To Hold Yourself Accountable

Trainer’s Tip #12:  Use a fitness app to help you hold yourself accountable. Have you kept your New Year’s Resolution to finally get fit and healthy, or are you losing motivation?  If you’re slipping back into old habits, you’re not alone, but it’s not too late to turn it around!  Maybe you just haven’t found strategies that have work for you in adapting, then keeping, healthier habits. I often recommend apps like myfitnesspal to clients.  Apps like this make it easier for people to keep their goals by a) allowing them to detect what foods/habits are sabotaging their weight-loss efforts, and finding …