Reach your 2024 goals with this simple plan.

happy birthday to you wall decor

So here it is. Another January.   Maybe you made good on your “get healthier” resolutions last year and you have new ones…or maybe you’re recycling them for this year.  If the latter is true for you, take heart—You’re certainly not alone!  Even more importantly, it’s never too late to hit the “reset” button when it comes to making YOU a priority, no matter what month it is. The art of the action plan If you resolve to make 2024 the year that you become the strong, confident, sparkling version of yourself that you envision, whether it’s dropping a few pounds, …

Can eating mindfully help us lose weight?

mindful eating

Mindfulness is not just for hippies and yogis anymore.  The practice of mindfulness in multiple areas of our lives has gained notable popularity, and for good reason.  Research supports the premise that connecting with the present moment with acceptance and compassion—while not dwelling on the past or fearing the future—can increase happiness and improve physical and emotional health. But how do these benefits translate to the idea of “eating with intention”?  Although more research is needed to conclusively determine the effects of mindful eating practices on weight loss, paying closer attention to how our bodies and minds are feeling before …