Trainer’s Tip #4: Beware the “All or Nothing” Trap

Tip #4:  Forgo the “all or nothing” mindset. By this, I mean, don’t obsess over calories consumed and calories burned when you’re trying to get in shape.  A continual state of anxiety over exercise and food is no way to live.  This doesn’t mean don’t pay attention at all to this.  But if you screw up and eat a cookie, don’t give up on it all.  One cookie is not going to derail the healthy lifestyle you’re trying to build. And that, after all, is what matters most:  What you’re building in the long-term.  Not the cookie you ate today.  …

Trainer’s Tip #3: Give HIIT a Shot

  Tip #3:  Try HIIT (high intensity interval training) I’m not necessarily recommending that you kill yourself every day with Shaun T. and his Insanity workouts.  Those definitely aren’t for everyone.  But try adding intervals to your runs or strength workouts a couple of times a week.  It could be just the jolt you need to get better results. HIIT is really hot right now in the fitness world.  And it’s one trend I actually do recommend trying.  Why?  There’s positive research to back it up.  Alternating heartrate-elevating intervals with recovery intervals burns fat faster, and helps you keep burning fat …