Tip #1: Lift heavy. There’s your very first tip. Try lifting heavy instead of light weights. It doesn’t have to be part of every single workout. But if you are a mostly cardio or light-weights kind of person, you need to try this. You could see major results….a) because it will increase your metabolism and burn more fat, even after your workout…b) because it will increase your strength and improve your muscle composition, giving you a firm, lean look. It will improve your overall health and well-being. Go as heavy as you can for 8-12 reps. If, after 12 reps, you feel you …
Two Common Strength-Training Mistakes

A buddy tells you that during her last workout, she performed 100 crunches and 75 bent over dumbbell rows, in record time. Impressive? Well yes, you have to admire this person’s mental and physical stamina. At the gym, you notice a guy going 100 miles an hour on the leg extension machine. But is this the best way to train? There’s good reason to say that the answer is no. Performing 100 crunches may add strength to your abs, but I can think of many other core moves that are way more effective with way fewer reps, and target your total core, including your …