First Marathon: The In’s, The Out’s, & The Point Of It All…

I just had coffee with a friend who will be running her first marathon next weekend.  As we talked about the in’s and out’s of preparing for this momentous occasion, I had flashbacks of what it felt like preparing for my own first marathon.  I remember that whirlwind of mixed emotions like it was yesterday.  The conglomeration of exhileration, self-doubt, fear, and pride.  The agonizing over my outfit, the poring over weather forecasts, the back and forth over fuel options and travel accomodations. Looking back, I’m glad I planned out each detail…because I ended up racing in a 40 degree, 4 hour rain storm.  …

Tone Your Whole Body & Burn Fat In One Move

Add a plank, a one-legged squat, movement, and what do you get?  A great core, quad, glute, and upper-body exercise that burns lots of calories, to boot.  Bonus: No equipment needed! Plank variations are some of my favorite moves, working not only the core, but other major muscle groups.  Incorporate more full-body exercises like this one  into your workout for maximum efficiency and results.  Can’t get enough?  Browse my “videos” section for more. Remember to bend the knee as you lower to the ground.  Perform 8-12 reps on each leg.  Extra credit:  Add a push-up at the bottom.