Firm & Burn–6 minute Video

For all you busy people out there who can’t always make it to the gym…(It’s much more fun to work out outside this time of year anyway!)…Here are some great moves–A firm & burn 6-minute video to hit multiple muscle groups at once–which ups the calorie burn.  Talk about multitasking! This is actually one “interval” of my 45-minute Firm & Burn workouts, which combine high-energy cardio moves with targeted body shaping exercises (like the ones in the video) to tone and burn calories with maximum efficiency.  All you need is a set of weights.

Make Your Own Tasty, Simple Hummus

I just recently made my own hummus for the first time.  Prior to that, I bought tub upon tub of the store-bought processed stuff, assuming there was no other easy option.  Then a cousin of mine explained to me how simple it is to make your own, and I felt a little stupid for never trying this before.  I never even thought about it! If you’re a hummus-lover like me, consider making it yourself.  It is so much fresher, less expensive, so easy, and, of course, healthy.  Pair it with your favorite veggies or spread it on a sandwich.  It’s a great last-minute party food.  It really is worth the …