Stressed? Little things to improve your mental health.

stress relief

Winter blues weighing on you? Practice some self-care. Not enough time, you say? You’d be surprised how just carving out a few small pockets of time in your schedule can help your outlook. Self care is not self-indulgence: It’s attending to not only your physical, but emotional health. Yes, connect with others, but also reconnect with yourself. If there’s ever a time to bask in self-love and care, it’s now. So tend to yourself both emotionally and physically without guilt. You can start by paying attention to the little things you find yourself doing throughout the day. Take stock of …

4 Diet Myths You Can Stop Believing

diet myths

Do you buy into diet myths? How much do you really know about good nutrition?  Trendy diets usually don’t cut it long-term in terms of weight loss or creating healthier relationships to food, and can actually trigger obsessive and disordered eating. There are so many diet fads flying around and so much conflicting information that many people don’t know what to believe.  It’s tempting to click on social media ads to find the latest “30-day weight-loss plan,” where we’re given overly simplified answers from someone important who seems to have figured it all out, figuring maybe we can finally figure …