How to Snack for Weight Loss

mndful eating and weight loss

  To snack or not to snack?…That is the question.  The answer?  Yes…but snack smartly. If you’re eating three straight meals a day with no snacks in between, you could be sabotaging your weight loss.  If you’re exercising, this may especially be the case.  Why?  Because long gaps in eating makes your blood sugar drop, inviting ravenous cravings for sugary, starchy foods and too-big portions when you do eat.  And when you’re working out, you need to properly fuel your body for maximum fat loss and minimum muscle loss by eating the right healthy snacks, pre and post exercise. So what should you eat, how …

Portion Control, Marathons and a Stick of Gum

  I’ve acquired a bad habit as of late.  I LOVE to graze while I’m cooking dinner.  I’ve also been known to have a glass of wine while cooking dinner.  I love doing this so much, that occasionally I’m full by the time dinner is ready.  This is no fun, because then I don’t get to eat the recipe I’ve spent the better part of the past hour working on.  And, I get to sit at the table empty-plated and watch my family chow.  No fun either. Portion control has been on my mind a lot lately, and not only because of my …