Travelling for the holidays? Bring this do-anywhere workout with you.

Workout for travel

Travelling for the holidays? It doesn’t have to derail your exercise habit–Bring this workout with you.  It can be hard to squeeze in exercise when you’re out of town, but this one is short, intense, and to the point. You can do it pretty much anywhere–Just grab any towel and you’re good to go!  It’s cardio and strength rolled up into one workout, targeting your whole body while simultaneously getting the heart pumping.  Do 8-20 reps of each, depending on your fitness level, and repeat the circuit for a total of 2-3 times through.  Don’t forget to spend a few minutes warming up/cooling down. Focus on maintenance while …

The perfect end-of-summer pasta

If your veggie garden is currently spilling over with ripe tomatoes, plump eggplants and fragrant basil then this recipe is for you.  In addition, it’s tasty, healthy, and a perfect weeknight meal because of its simplicity. Sometimes simple really is best. Important to note– -I use less pasta and more veggies than I list here to make the meal less carb-heavy. -I use chicken breast pieces in here, but meat is optional in this dish. I actually like it just as much without meat. -I use a high-fiber pasta like Banza chickpea rigatoni (pictured here). I’ve also used whole wheat many times, but I prefer …