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holiday overeating

6 Tips to Avoid Holiday Party Overeating.

The holidays.  So much food…so many cookies…so many reasons to EAT!  And to drink. ‘Tis the season for throwing healthy eating and drinking out the window at holiday parties.  ‘Tis the season for holiday party overeating.  But it doesn’t have to be that way!  Just be mindful and use moderation.  Here are a few tips to consider before you pour yourself another cup of that pomegranate punch. Eat something before you arrive.  You may think you need to save your calories for the party, but doing it that way will likely set you up for a bit of a binge. …

Trainer’s Tip #4: Beware the “All or Nothing” Trap

Tip #4:  Forgo the “all or nothing” mindset. By this, I mean, don’t obsess over calories consumed and calories burned when you’re trying to get in shape.  A continual state of anxiety over exercise and food is no way to live.  This doesn’t mean don’t pay attention at all to this.  But if you screw up and eat a cookie, don’t give up on it all.  One cookie is not going to derail the healthy lifestyle you’re trying to build. And that, after all, is what matters most:  What you’re building in the long-term.  Not the cookie you ate today.  …