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Trainer’s Tip #10: Snack Smartly At Holiday Parties

Trainer’s Tip #10: Snack smartly at parties. Tis the season for throwing healthy eating out the window at holiday parties.  But it doesn’t have to be that way!  Just be smart, and use moderation.  Here are a few tips: ~Eat something before you arrive.  You may think you need to save your calories for the party, but doing it that way will likely set you up for a bit of a binge. ~Bring your own healthier appetizer to share.  That ensures there will at least be ONE healthy option there. ~Don’t sit next to the food table.  Get a plate, move away, and eat …

No Time to Work Out This Month? No Problem. Try This….

Sweets…parties…travel…and shopping galore. I don’t know about you, but I find December the most challenging month of the year for staying on track fitness-wise.  That’s why I focus on maintaining, rather than making any huge fitness gains during the holidays.  Keep the eating in check, but also don’t feel guilty about partaking in a little merriment.  It’s all about moderation this month.  Maintenance and moderation. As far as exercise goes this month, hurrying through the mall to get those gifts doesn’t cut it, especially if you down a few egg nogs.  No doubt, you’ll be strapped for time these next few weeks.  …