Showing 4 Result(s)

Does Running Really Hurt Our Knees??

Non-runners sometimes misunderstand distance runners.  They can’t, for the life of them, understand why we happily spend countless hours trucking around town in rain, in the dark, in snow and ice, braving speeding cars and barking dogs.  And what about OUR KNEES?  Don’t we know that running wrecks our joints?!? My hunch is that every distance runner has fielded this inevitable question from a non-runner at some point.  And how should you respond to such concern?  With the truth.  Running does not hurt our knees.   Say it, and say it proudly.  Need proof?  For one, you can point to a 2013 study published in the journal Medicine …

Portion Control, Marathons and a Stick of Gum

  I’ve acquired a bad habit as of late.  I LOVE to graze while I’m cooking dinner.  I’ve also been known to have a glass of wine while cooking dinner.  I love doing this so much, that occasionally I’m full by the time dinner is ready.  This is no fun, because then I don’t get to eat the recipe I’ve spent the better part of the past hour working on.  And, I get to sit at the table empty-plated and watch my family chow.  No fun either. Portion control has been on my mind a lot lately, and not only because of my …