Showing 4 Result(s)
How to live from your heart

Live From Your Heart Like You Mean It

By Jennifer Muscato *First published in Light of Consciousness Journal Living from the heart. A dreamy, starry-eyed whim. It’s easy to say, “I want to live from my heart.” Most people want to follow their hearts–Its wants, passions, hopes. And many think they are. But consider this. Totally unfiltered, without your career, your family, your to-do list, your circle of friends, your role in your community, what would you look like? Do you even let yourself go there? Ask yourself, if I didn’t exist within the confines of this material world, who would I be every day? Where would I be if …

winter motivation

7 ways to stay motivated & inspired this winter

This time of year, many of us are full of hope and motivated to make changes for the better. Don’t let winter doldrums snow on your parade. Finding simple ways to stay inspired can help you keep a positive outlook when you feel yourself losing focus. If you hope for a year of great things to happen, but aren’t sure where to start, start small.  Try picking out a couple of ideas on this list to add some extra health and joy to your life, and you’ll be off to a good start.  Refresh your look You know how a …