Showing 4 Result(s)
pink flower field

Change your mindset, change your life

You say you feel powerless, at the whim of circumstances around you? Well sure, there’s a lot we can’t change, but there’s a lot we can. Remember the serenity prayer? “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” Knowing how to discern between what you can and cannot change, and then applying a healthy mindset to each, will help bring growth in the areas of your life where you’ve found yourself constantly going ’round and ’round, repeating the same maddening patterns that you …

meditation changed my life

Meditation changed my life

Seems a bit dramatic, doesn’t it? I probably would have thought so too, a year ago. Sure, I was all for meditation. As a wellness professional, I preached its stress-relief benefits for years. I believed that meditation improved well-being. That’s just it though–I believed it in theory, but I didn’t really know it. Not first-hand. My emphasis leaned heavily on the body’s physical health. I never missed a workout. Meditation, well…I dabbled. A workout accomplishes something. What does just sitting there noticing the thoughts in my head do, especially when I have a sink full of dishes to wash? Sure, …