Showing 2 Result(s)

Tip #22: Is the best cardio workout fast and short, or slow and long?

When you’re on the treadmill, do you go fast and short, or slow and long?  Which type of cardio workout burns more fat? On just about every piece of cardio equipment, you’ll find that notorious “fat burning” program.  This program keeps your heart rate pretty low and your exercise intensity moderate.  It follows the premise that when you exercise at a lower percentage of your maximum heart rate, ie, the “fat-burning zone,” you burn a higher percentage of fat. But does it really burn the most fat?  The answer is no. The problem is, because you’re working at a lower intensity level, you’re …

free weights or machines?

Which Comes First: Cardio or Weights?

  When you first enter a gym, what do you gravitate toward?  The treadmills and other cardio machines, or the weights and strength training equipment?  Have you ever wondered if you should be doing one before the other? First, let me say that both cardiovascular exercise and resistance training are very important to achieve and maintain optimal health and fitness, and the way you order your workout does make a difference.  If you have the time, you may want to do your cardio in the morning, and strength training in the afternoon or evening, or vice versa.  However, this is …