Showing 9 Result(s)
lose fat exercises

Tip # 18: Three Ways to lose fat in trouble areas

Do spot-reducing exercises work? So you want to lose some arm flab. Or get rid of those saddle bags, or your belly. Time to do some curls, crunches and leg lifts, right? Not really. There is no such thing as a “spot reducing” exercise. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) says it best: “You can burn off fat by exercising, but it comes off proportionately throughout your body. You may see more of a difference in some areas compared with others, but your body always maintains the same basic proportions. You can IMPROVE the look of those proportions with …

gluten free for weight loss

Does a gluten-free diet help you lose weight? Separating fact from fad.

Does a diet without gluten, a protein found in most grains, really help your waistline?   Celebrities endorse it for weight loss.  Testimonials claim increased energy, improved digestions and clearer skin.  People believe that gluten-free products are healthier, according to surveys.  Almost a third of Americans are reducing or eliminating their gluten intake.  Sales of gluten-free products have topped $12 billion, according to market research.  But what do the facts tell us about a gluten-free diet for in terms of weight loss? There is currently no research to support the claim that a gluten-free diet is good for weight loss.  Unless …