Showing 33 Result(s)

Portion Control, Marathons and a Stick of Gum

  I’ve acquired a bad habit as of late.  I LOVE to graze while I’m cooking dinner.  I’ve also been known to have a glass of wine while cooking dinner.  I love doing this so much, that occasionally I’m full by the time dinner is ready.  This is no fun, because then I don’t get to eat the recipe I’ve spent the better part of the past hour working on.  And, I get to sit at the table empty-plated and watch my family chow.  No fun either. Portion control has been on my mind a lot lately, and not only because of my …

free weights or machines?

Which Comes First: Cardio or Weights?

  When you first enter a gym, what do you gravitate toward?  The treadmills and other cardio machines, or the weights and strength training equipment?  Have you ever wondered if you should be doing one before the other? First, let me say that both cardiovascular exercise and resistance training are very important to achieve and maintain optimal health and fitness, and the way you order your workout does make a difference.  If you have the time, you may want to do your cardio in the morning, and strength training in the afternoon or evening, or vice versa.  However, this is …